Main Blog

the mini BEACH bird

About Me

My Photo
Lillian-Juda Leonard-Beach
I am a Blogger, web & graphic designer, girlfriend, student, model, nurses aid, night owl, friend of 420, activist, Catholic, Buddhist, yoga follower, survivalist, friend, daughter, Canadian, Atlantan, strawberry blonde spaz, with a kind heart.
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the mini Beach bird Designs

Item Description

Wondering what your getting?
No problem. Here are the item descriptions, if you have any questions, feel free to comment on this page and I will get back ASAP. Please remember to leave a valid email.

Here's an image of a typical 3-column Blogger layout + a menu bar. This is a lot like the layout set up for Goodie Goodie Gumdrops Design. 

Item Descriptions:
Background - The image that covers the entire "background" of the screen.

Blog Header Image - The image that displays at the top of your blog.

Custom Comments - Add a background image, numbering, or special font to your comments.

Custom Fonts - Choose any font from the internet and turn it into the font that shows up in different headers.

Custom Vector - A custom made vector from any image of your choice.

"Hands Free Install" - This is an option for the less tech savvy customers. With every order I will email you specific and detailed instructions, but I understand if you just don't want to deal with the hassle. If your one of these people, you can purchase this option. I will design, test, format, and upload your package, as well as fix any small problems you encounter for the time you are using my layout.

Nav Button - Short for navigation button. The buttons usually found on the menu or navigation bar.

Personalized Signature - Your name turned into a custom font, often pasted at the end of each post.

Sidebar Header - The titles of each item on your sidebar, such as About Me, Followers, etc.

Sidebar Header Image - The image that is display instead of or next to the sidebar header.

Site Button - A button used to link your blog, usual size is 125x125.

Text Formatting - ALL of the formating, coloring, placement, etc of all the text in your blog.


Need Some Ideas?

Check out these blogs for design ideas (all open in a new window)
Clean N' Simple Designs:
Natural Mommie Slice o' Heaven

Vector Designs:

Simple Designs:

Scrapbook Designs: